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Passports and identity cards

The Embassy of Italy in Manila issues standard electronic passports with a uniform 48-page format. Under the current passport regulations, neither the renewal nor the addition of pages to the travel booklet is permitted. When the new passport is delivered, the previous passport is cancelled and returned to the holder.

The validity of the passport varies according to the age of the holder: for minors under 3 years old, the validity is 3 years; for minors aged 3 to 18, the validity is 5 years; for adults, the validity is 10 years.

We inform Italian nationals who are parents of minor children that, starting from June 14, 2023, it will no longer be necessary to present the consent form of the other parent for the issuance of their child’s identity document (passport and CIE), as per Legislative Decree No. 69/2023.

Specifically, the amended Article 3-bis of Law No. 1185/1967 stipulates that when there is a concrete and current risk that, due to moving abroad, the other parent may fail to fulfill their parental obligations, the other parent may request an injunction to prevent the issuance of the document. Such a request must be submitted to the competent judge at the Ordinary Court where the minor has habitual residence or, if the minor resides abroad, to the Court of the area where their AIRE registration is located.

 For the issuance of documents for minors, the signed consent of both parents or those exercising parental responsibility remains mandatory.

The consent form of a non-EU parent must be signed in the presence of an Italian Public Official, upon presentation of the passport (Note: other identification documents issued in the Philippines are not recognized as valid identification by Italian authorities). Specifically, in the Philippines, consent can be obtained at the Embassy of Italy in Manila or at the Honorary Consulate in Cebu; in Italy, it can be obtained at a local Questura; in other foreign countries, consent can be obtained at an Italian diplomatic or consular representation.

In the event of the death of one parent, the death certificate must be presented, with apostille.

 Passport Application Form for Adults

To apply for a new passport, the applicant must attend their appointment, which is booked online via the Embassy’s website, at the Consular Office of the Embassy.

This Embassy is, in principle, authorized to issue passports to Italian citizens regularly residing in the Philippines. Passport applications from citizens who are merely visiting or temporarily staying in the country will only be processed in exceptional cases, provided that appropriate documentation is presented. In such cases, the processing time may be significantly longer, as the necessary authorizations must be obtained.

On the day of the appointment, the applicant must present the following documents at the Consular Office:

  • Completed and signed application form (available in the “Forms” section on our website or at the Consular Office);
  • Current passport;
  • Two recent passport-sized color photos, with the face in close-up and a white background, measuring 4 cm in height by 3.5 cm in width (the face should occupy approximately two-thirds of the photo);
  • 116 Euros: payment must be made in cash, in Philippine pesos (according to the current consular exchange rate, which is set quarterly by the Embassy);
  • If applicable, the consent of the other parent (as mentioned above).

The request for a new passport for a minor must be submitted by at least one of the parents. The same rules for obtaining consent apply as outlined above.

The procedure for submitting the application is the same as described in the previous section.

It is necessary for the minor applicant to be physically present at the Embassy.

Unless there are technical issues or obstacles, Italian nationals residing in this consular district and registered in AIRE (Registry of Italians Abroad), who submit their full application, will have their passport issued either the same day or within a few days.

For Italian nationals residing in Italy or in another consular district, the passport will be issued only after the Embassy has requested and received the Nulla Osta (clearance) and Delega (delegation) from the competent authority (Questura in Italy or the relevant Italian Embassy or Consulate in the country of residence). The procedure for requesting the Nulla Osta and Delega will begin once the passport application is made in person. The Questuras in Italy, under the current regulations, have up to 15 days (extendable to 30 days) to provide a response. Once these authorizations are granted, the applicant will be contacted to schedule a second appointment at the Embassy to print and deliver the new passport.

Italian nationals who have lost or had their passport stolen and need to travel urgently, should visit the Consular Office at least 3 to 4 days before their departure, without an appointment, during public opening hours, to request the issuance of an Emergency Travel Document (ETD) for their return to Italy (or the country of residence).

The following documents are required:

  • Two recent passport-sized color photos, with the face in close-up and a white background, measuring 4 cm in height by 3.5 cm in width (the face should occupy approximately two-thirds of the photo);
  • Police report of theft or loss issued by the local authorities;
  • Flight ticket for return to Italy or the country of residence;
  • A photocopy of the passport or other identification document, if available;
  • 1.55 Euros: payment must be made in cash, in Philippine pesos (the exchange rate is set quarterly by the Embassy).

Minors under the age of 14 may travel internationally only if accompanied by at least one parent or a guardian.

For minors under 14 who intend to travel abroad without either parent, it is necessary for the name of the person, entity, or transport company to whom the minor is entrusted to be mentioned either in the minor’s passport or in a special declaration of accompaniment issued by the Embassy.

The declaration of accompaniment may apply to a single trip (either outbound or return) from the minor’s country of residence to a specific destination and typically cannot exceed six months.

The inclusion of the accompanying person’s name on the passport or the declaration of accompaniment must be requested by both parents. The form for the declaration of accompaniment is available in the “Forms” section of our website or at the Consular Office of the Embassy.