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Pensions and social security



1. Annual Commitment to verify existence in life 2021

INPS has informed that Citibank will deliver a life declaration form to all pensioners living abroad. The form must be filled up and sent back within the 7th of May to the following address:

PO Box 4873,

Worthing BN99 3BG, United Kingdom

If the verification process does not take place within the given deadline, June installment will be paid by cash at one of the Western Union agencies. Otherwise, in case of non-collection or failing in the transmission of the form within the 19th of June, the payment of the pension will be suspended starting from the next month (July 2021).

Verification of existencc in life can be made only by reliable witnesses, that is, the Embassy and locals magistrates and judges. In case of problems with the first address, the form can be sent to the address below:

Simon Hawkins,

LVS Team, Aspect House, Spencer Road, Lancing


2. Verification of life existence via video call

Aiming to help compatriots, the Farnesina, together with the National Institute of Social Security (INPS – istituto nazionale della previdenza sociale) and Citibank, have allowed to sustain the verification process of existence in life via video call pursuing the following item:

  1. Once the form containing general information (surname, name and day of birth) pension identification number, phone number and email address has been received by users, they have to sign it and write the date of signing.
  2. Then, a digital copy of the above-mentioned form has to created and sent by email to together with an ID. The user will be contacted by the consular office on the same email in order to schedule the video call that will be done using the most common applications, that is, Whatsapp, Zoom, Webex or Microsoft Teams. The consular officer will ask the pensioner to confirm his general information and show the hard copy of the documents, verifying in this way, the life existence .
  3. The consular office will confirm the existence in life of the pensioner to Citibank via an online service.

NOTE: in any case, pensioners have to deliver by mail a hard copy of the original form signed and dated to the consular office with the purpose of record.