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Dear citizens are kindly acknowledged, the offer of scholarships by this Ministry for the a.y. 2023-2024 for the Master’s degree in “Performing Arts Management” at the Accademica d’Arti e Mestieri dello Spettacolo Teatro alla Scala.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) in partnership with “the Accademia d’Arti e Mestieri dello Spettacolo Teatro alla Scala” is offering 9 scholarships for 6 months, from January 2024 to June 2024, to be awarded to 9 international students.


How can I get the MAECI scholarship?

1. Apply for the selections for the Master in Performing Arts Management, please see, pass the selection process and enroll.

2. Meanwhile or later, send an email to by October 5 2023, confirming you want to apply for the MAECI scholarship. Please put in the email subject “MPAM Scholarship MAECI” and include a .pdf attachment in English (350 words max), explaining the reasons why you have chosen to study in Italy and to attend the Master at Accademia Teatro alla Scala. This is an extra document, in addition to the ones required to apply for the MPAM.

3. The selected candidates will be formally notified by the Committee via e-mail, by the starting date of the Master, which will be mid-November, 2023.



By applying for this scholarship and by accepting it, the candidates fully agree with its conditions.

After receiving the letter confirming the scholarship offer and before the indicated deadline, the selected candidate must confirm his/her enrollment with the MPAM programme for 2023/24 and formally accept all the scholarship conditions. A no reply will be considered as a withdrawal of the scholarship, that will be assigned to the next available candidate.